Monday, October 24, 2016

Boiled vegetable quick-toss salad

I read somewhere and believe that our cravings have a lot to do with what we need. 

Let's take the simple example of water. Sometimes, no matter how many varieties of drinks are on spread, water is what one needs. At other times, like on the tropical hot afternoons, it's a glass of sambharam or salted lime juice that does the quenching better. So it's no wonder when on some days, veggies steal the show. 

On such days, a bowl of salad is enough :D

What I used

  1. Butter: 2 tablespoons
  2. Garlic: 6-8 cloves
  3. Boiled and diced carrots: 1/2 cup; broccoli: 2 cups; french beans: 2 cups
  4. Salt: as per need
  5. Pepper: as per need (optional)
How I made it
PS: Ensure the vegetables are boiled with enough salt 
  1. In a pan, fry the garlic in melted butter and add all the boiled vegetable and toss well so as to butter coat every piece. Adust salt and pepper as needed and that's it!

Salads are refreshing isn't it?

After a routine of consuming starch and red meat, when one feels the need to detox, salads do wonders to make you feel refreshed with no added weight :D :D

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